They can actually create a personal "website" for you, which displays all your comments... and makes it look as though you are in the discussion... when in fact... you are shouting in the digital wind....because no one else will ever see your comments...
I must admit... I have enjoyed the debate back and forth with others in my community on topics from Health Reform to the Catholic church, and many topics in between. And, I feel as anyone does, that my comments were valid and legitimate arguments to the subject at hand... but they must have raised a little hair on the neck of the wrong people.... people with the ability to create a system to disallow free speech, in a way that may deceive most....
I know, hard to follow.... but just look below. I use the screen name Farkel44. This is what I see on my computer.

.....but this is not what the rest of the world sees.... they see the screen below...

This of course occurs on every post I make.... Of course, you may say this is just a "glitch"..... how do others comments display... and mine do not?... I happen to think it is an internal decision made at the Enquirer... call me crazy... but, at the very least, they are aware that this happens... and decide not to make people aware....
Thanks Big Brother...